This package covers the ZIA interface.

class ZIAClientHelper#

A Controller to access Endpoints in the Zscaler Internet Access (ZIA) API.

The ZIA object stores the session token and simplifies access to CRUD options within the ZIA platform.


The ZIA API key generated from the ZIA console.




The ZIA administrator username.




The ZIA administrator password.




The Zscaler cloud for your tenancy, accepted values are:

  • zscaler

  • zscloud

  • zscalerbeta

  • zspreview

  • zscalerone

  • zscalertwo

  • zscalerthree

  • zscalergov

  • zscalerten




If supplied, this attribute can be used to override the production URL that is derived from supplying the cloud attribute. Use this attribute if you have a non-standard tenant URL (e.g. internal test instance etc). When using this attribute, there is no need to supply the cloud attribute. The override URL will be prepended to the API endpoint suffixes. The protocol must be included i.e. http:// or https://.



property activate#

The interface object for the ZIA Activation interface.

property admin_and_role_management#

The interface object for the ZIA Admin and Role Management interface.

property apptotal#

The interface object for the ZIA AppTotal interface.

property audit_logs#

The interface object for the ZIA Admin Audit Logs interface.

property authentication_settings#

The interface object for the ZIA Authentication Security Settings interface.

property device_management#

The interface object for the ZIA device interface.

property dlp#

The interface object for the ZIA DLP Dictionaries interface.

property firewall#

The interface object for the ZIA Firewall Policies interface.

property forwarding_control#

The interface object for the ZIA Forwarding Control Policies interface.

property isolation_profile#

The interface object for the ZIA Cloud Browser Isolation Profile.

property labels#

The interface object for the ZIA Rule Labels interface.

property locations#

The interface object for the ZIA Locations interface.

property sandbox#

The interface object for the ZIA Cloud Sandbox interface.

property security#

The interface object for the ZIA Security Policy Settings interface.

property ssl#

The interface object for the ZIA SSL Inspection interface.

property traffic#

The interface object for the ZIA Traffic Forwarding interface.

property url_categories#

The interface object for the ZIA URL Categories interface.

property url_filtering#

The interface object for the ZIA URL Filtering interface.

property users#

The interface object for the ZIA User Management interface.

property web_dlp#

The interface object for the ZIA Web DLP interface.

property workload_groups#

The interface object for the ZIA Workload Groups.

property zpa_gateway#

The interface object for the ZPA Gateway.