This package covers the ZPA interface.

class ZPAClientHelper#

A Controller to access Endpoints in the Zscaler Private Access (ZPA) API.

The ZPA object stores the session token and simplifies access to API interfaces within ZPA.


The ZPA API client ID generated from the ZPA console.




The ZPA API client secret generated from the ZPA console.




The ZPA tenant ID found in the Administration > Company menu in the ZPA console.




The Zscaler cloud for your tenancy, accepted values are:

  • production

  • beta

  • gov

  • govus

  • zpatwo



property app_segments#

The interface object for the ZPA Application Segments interface.

property app_segments_inspection#

The interface object for the ZPA Application Segments PRA interface.

property app_segments_pra#

The interface object for the ZPA Application Segments PRA interface.

property certificates#

The interface object for the ZPA Browser Access Certificates interface.

property cloud_connector_groups#

The interface object for the ZPA Cloud Connector Groups interface.

property connectors#

The interface object for the ZPA Connectors interface.

property emergency_access#

The interface object for the ZPA Emergency Access interface.

property idp#

The interface object for the ZPA IDP interface.

property inspection#

The interface object for the ZPA Inspection interface.

property isolation_profile#

The interface object for the ZPA Isolation Profiles.

property lss#

The interface object for the ZIA Log Streaming Service Config interface.

property machine_groups#

The interface object for the ZPA Machine Groups interface.

property policies#

The interface object for the ZPA Policy Sets interface.

property posture_profiles#

The interface object for the ZPA Posture Profiles interface.

property privileged_remote_access#

The interface object for the ZPA Privileged Remote Access interface.

property provisioning#

The interface object for the ZPA Provisioning interface.

property saml_attributes#

The interface object for the ZPA SAML Attributes interface.

property scim_attributes#

The interface object for the ZPA SCIM Attributes interface.

property scim_groups#

The interface object for the ZPA SCIM Groups interface.

property segment_groups#

The interface object for the ZPA Segment Groups interface.

property server_groups#

The interface object for the ZPA Server Groups interface.

property servers#

The interface object for the ZPA Application Servers interface.

property service_edges#

The interface object for the ZPA Service Edges interface.

property trusted_networks#

The interface object for the ZPA Trusted Networks interface.