
What is Zscaler Private Access

The Zscaler Private Access (ZPA) service enables organizations to provide access to internal applications and services while ensuring the security of their networks. ZPA is an easier to deploy, more cost-effective, and more secure alternative to VPNs. Unlike VPNs, which require users to connect to your network to access your enterprise applications, ZPA allows you to give users policy-based secure access only to the internal apps they need to get their work done. With ZPA, application access does not require network access.

App Connector Group

The following module allows for interaction with the ZPA App Connector Group API endpoints. This module creates an app connector group, which in turn must be associated with a provisioning key resource.

- name: Create First App Connector Group
    provider: '{{ zpa_cloud }}'
    name: 'Ansible App Connector Group'
    description: 'Ansible App Connector Group'
    enabled: true
    country_code: 'US'
    city_country: 'San Jose, US'
    location: 'San Jose, CA, USA'
    latitude: '37.3382082'
    longitude: '-121.8863286'
    dns_query_type: 'IPV4_IPV6'
    upgrade_day: 'SUNDAY'
    override_version_profile: true
    pra_enabled: true
    waf_disabled: false
    upgrade_time_in_secs: '66600'
    version_profile_id: '2'

Service Edge Group

The following module allows for interaction with the ZPA Service Edge Group API endpoints. This module creates an service edge group, which in turn must be associated with a provisioning key resource.

- name: Create/Update/Delete Service Edge Group
     provider: '{{ zpa_cloud }}'
     name: 'Ansible Service Edge Group'
     description: 'Ansible Service Edge Group'
     enabled: true
     city_country: 'California, US'
     country_code: 'US'
     latitude: '7.3382082'
     longitude: '-121.8863286'
     location: 'San Jose, CA, USA'
     upgrade_day: 'SUNDAY'
     upgrade_time_in_secs: '66600'
     override_version_profile: true
     version_profile_id: "2"

Provisioning Key - App Connector Group

The following module allows for interaction with the ZPA Provisioning Key API endpoints. This module creates a provisioning key resource, which is a text string that is generated when a new App Connector is added.

- name: Create/Update/Delete App Connector Group Provisioning Key
    provider: '{{ zpa_cloud }}'
    name: 'App Connector Group Provisioning Key'
    association_type: "CONNECTOR_GRP'
    max_usage: '10'
    enrollment_cert_id: '6573'
    zcomponent_id: '216196257331291903'

Provisioning Key - Service Edge Group

The following module allows for interaction with the ZPA Provisioning Key API endpoints. This module creates a provisioning key resource, which is a text string that is generated when a new Private Service Edge is added.

- name: Create/Update/Delete Service Edge Connector Group Provisioning Key
    provider: '{{ zpa_cloud }}'
    name: 'Service Edge Connector Group Provisioning Key'
    association_type: 'CONNECTOR_GRP'
    max_usage: '10'
    enrollment_cert_id: '6573'
    zcomponent_id: '216196257331291903'

Application Segment

The following module allows for interaction with the ZPA Application Segments endpoints. The module creates an application segment resource, which is a grouping of defined applications.

- name: Create a Application Segment
    provider: '{{ zpa_cloud }}'
    name: 'Ansible Application Segment 1'
    description: 'Ansible Application Segment 1'
    enabled: true
    health_reporting: 'ON_ACCESS'
    bypass_type:' NEVER'
    is_cname_enabled: true
      - from: '8080'
        to: '8085'
      - 'server1.example.com'
      - 'server2.example.com'
    segment_group_id: '{{ segment_group_id }}'
      - id: '{{ server_group_id }}'

Browser Access Application Segment

The following module allows for interaction with the ZPA Application Segments endpoints. The module creates a Browser Access Application Segment resource, which allows you to leverage a web browser for user authentication and application access over ZPA, without requiring users to install the Zscaler Client Connector (formerly Zscaler App or Z App) on their devices.

- name: Browser Access Application Segment
    provider: '{{ zpa_cloud }}'
    name: 'Ansible Browser Access Application Segment 1'
    description: 'Ansible Browser Access Application Segment 1'
    enabled: true
    health_reporting: 'ON_ACCESS'
    bypass_type: 'NEVER'
    is_cname_enabled: true
      - from: '80'
        to: '80'
      - 'sales.example.com'
    segment_group_id: '{{ segment_group_id }}'
      - id: '{{ server_group_id }}'
        name: 'sales.acme.com'
        application_protocol: 'HTTP'
        application_port: '80'
        certificate_id: '{{ certificate_id }}'
        trust_untrusted_cert: true
        enabled: true
        domain: 'sales.acme.com'

Application Segment - Privileged Remote Access

The following module allows for interaction with the ZPA Application Segments endpoints. The module creates a Privileged Remote Access application segment resource.

- name: Create PRA Application Segment
    provider: '{{ zpa_cloud }}'
    name: 'Ansible Application_Segment PRA'
    description: 'Ansible Application_Segment PRA'
    enabled: true
    is_cname_enabled: true
    tcp_keep_alive: true
    passive_health_enabled: true
    select_connector_close_to_app: false
    health_check_type: 'DEFAULT'
    health_reporting: 'ON_ACCESS'
    bypass_type: 'NEVER'
    icmp_access_type: false
      - from: '22'
        to: '22'
      - from: '3389'
        to: '3389'
      - 'ssh_pra.example.com'
      - 'rdp_pra.example.com'
    segment_group_id: '216199618143268450'
      - '216199618143268452'
        - name: 'ssh_pra'
          domain: 'ssh_pra.example.com'
          application_port: '22'
          application_protocol: 'SH'
          enabled: true
            - 'SECURE_REMOTE_ACCESS'
        - name: 'rdp_pra'
          domain: 'rdp_pra.example.com'
          application_port: '3389'
          application_protocol: 'RDP'
          connection_security: 'ANY'
          enabled: true
            - 'SECURE_REMOTE_ACCESS'

Application Segment - App Protection

The following module allows for interaction with the ZPA Application Segments endpoints. The module creates a App Protection application segment resource.

- name: Create App Protection Application Segment
    provider: '{{ zpa_cloud }}'
    name: 'Ansible Application Segment AppProtection'
    description: 'Ansible Application Segment AppProtection'
    enabled: true
    is_cname_enabled: true
    tcp_keep_alive: true
    passive_health_enabled: true
    select_connector_close_to_app: true
    health_check_type: 'DEFAULT'
    health_reporting: 'ON_ACCESS'
    bypass_type: 'NEVER'
    icmp_access_type: true
      - from: '443'
        to: '443'
      - 'server.example.com'
    segment_group_id: '216199618143268450'
      - '216199618143268452'
        - name: 'server.example.com'
          domain: 'server.example.com'
          application_port: '443'
          application_protocol: 'HTTPS'
          certificate_id: '216199618143247243'
          allow_options: true
          trust_untrusted_cert: true
          enabled: true
            - 'INSPECT'

Application Server

The following module allows for interaction with the ZPA Application Server endpoints. The module creates a Application Server resource, which can then be associated with a Server Group, where the dynamic_discovery is disabled.

- name: Create/Update/Delete an Application Server
    provider: '{{ zpa_cloud }}'
    name: "Ansible Application Server"
    description: "Ansible Application Server"
    address: "server.example.com"
    enabled: true

Server Group - Dynamic Discovery On

The following module allows for interaction with the ZPA Server Groups endpoints. The module creates a Server Group resource, which can be created to manually define servers, or it can be created with the option of dynamic_discovery enabled so that ZPA discovers the appropriate servers, for each application as users request them.

- name: Create/Update/Delete a Server Group (Dynamic Discovery ON)
    provider: '{{ zpa_cloud }}'
    name: 'Ansible Server Group Example'
    description: 'Ansible Server Group Example'
    enabled: false
    dynamic_discovery: true
      - id: '216196257331291924'

Server Group - Dynamic Discovery Off

The following module allows for interaction with the ZPA Server Groups endpoints. The module creates a Server Group resource, which can be created to manually define servers, when dynamic_discovery is disabled.

- name: Create/Update/Delete a Server Group (Dynamic Discovery OFF)
    provider: '{{ zpa_cloud }}'
    name: 'Ansible Server Group Example'
    description: 'Ansible Server Group Example'
    enabled: false
    dynamic_discovery: false
      - id: '216196257331291924'
      - id: '216196257331291921'

Segment Group

The following module allows for interaction with the ZPA Segment Groups endpoints. This resource can then be referenced within Application Segment (s), and Access Policies.

- name: Create/Update/Delete a Segment Groups
    provider: '{{ zpa_cloud }}'
    name: 'Ansible Segment Group'
    description: 'Ansible Segment Group'
    enabled: true

Policy Access Rule

The following module allows for interaction with the the ZPA Policy Controller endpoints. This resource creates and manages policy access rules in the Zscaler Private Access cloud.

- name: Application Segment - Example
    provider: '{{ zpa_cloud }}'
    name: app01
  register: application_segment

- name: Get information IdP Controller ID
    provider: '{{ zpa_cloud }}'
    name: IdP_Name
  register: idp_name

- name: Get Contractors SCIM Group ID
    provider: '{{ zpa_cloud }}'
    name: Contractors
    idp_name: IdP_Name
  register: contractors_group

- name: Create Policy Access Rule
    provider: '{{ zpa_cloud }}'
    name: Rule 1
    description: Rule 1
    action: ALLOW
    rule_order: 1
    operator: AND
      - operator: OR
          - object_type: APP
            lhs: id
            rhs: '{{ application_segment.data[0].id }}'
      - operator: OR
          - object_type: SCIM_GROUP
            lhs: '{{ idp_name.data[0].id }}'
            rhs: '{{ contractors_group.data[0].id }}'

Policy Access Timeout Rule

The following module allows for interaction with the the ZPA Policy Controller endpoints. This resource creates a policy timeout rule in the Zscaler Private Access cloud.

- name: Application Segment - Example
    provider: '{{ zpa_cloud }}'
    name: Example
  register: application_segment

- name: Get information IdP Controller ID
    provider: '{{ zpa_cloud }}'
    name: IdP_Name
  register: idp_name

- name: Get Contractors SCIM Group ID
    provider: '{{ zpa_cloud }}'
    name: Contractors
    idp_name: IdP_Name
  register: contractors_group

- name: Timeout Policy - Example
    provider: '{{ zpa_cloud }}'
    name: Example
    description: Example
    action: RE_AUTH
    reauth_idle_timeout: 10 days
    reauth_timeout: 10 days
    rule_order: "1"
    operator: AND
      - operator: OR
          - object_type: APP
            lhs: id
            rhs: '{{ application_segment.data[0].id }}'
      - operator: OR
          - object_type: SCIM_GROUP
            lhs: '{{ idp_name.data[0].id }}'
            rhs: '{{ idp_name.data[0].id }}'

Policy Access Forwarding Rule

The following module allows for interaction with the the ZPA Policy Controller endpoints. This resource creates a policy forwarding access rule in the Zscaler Private Access cloud.

# Gather Applicaton Segment Info
- name: Application Segment
    provider: '{{ zpa_cloud }}'
    name: Example
  register: application_segment

# Get IdP Controller ID Information
- name: Get information IdP Controller ID
    provider: '{{ zpa_cloud }}'
    name: IdP_Name
  register: user_idp

- name: All IDPs
    msg: '{{ user_idp }}'

- name: Get Contractors SCIM Group ID
    provider: '{{ zpa_cloud }}'
    name: Contractors
    idp_name: IdP_Name
  register: contractors_group

# Create Policy Forwarding Rules
- name: Forwarding Policy - Example
    provider: '{{ zpa_cloud }}'
    name: Example
    description: Example
    action: BYPASS
    rule_order: "1"
    operator: AND
      - operator: OR
          - object_type: APP
            lhs: id
            rhs: '{{ application_segment.data[0].id }}'
      - operator: OR
          - object_type: SCIM_GROUP
            idp_id: '{{ user_idp.data[0].id }}'
            lhs: '{{ user_idp.data[0].id }}'
            rhs: '{{ contractors_group.data[0].id }}'

Policy Access App Protection Rule

The following module allows for interaction with the the ZPA Policy Controller endpoints. This resource creates an App Protection access rule in the Zscaler Private Access cloud.

- name: Gather information about a app protection profile
    name: "Ansible Security Profile"
  register: profile

- name: Create/Update/Delete a App Protection Access Policy Rule
    provider: '{{ zpa_cloud }}'
    name: 'Ansible App Protection Policy Rule'
    description: 'Ansible App Protection Policy Rule'
    action: 'INSPECT'
    operator: 'AND'
    zpn_inspection_profile_id: '{{ profile.data[0].id }}'
      - operator: 'OR'
          - object_type: 'APP'
            lhs: 'id'
            rhs: '216196257331368729'
          - object_type: 'APP_GROUP'
            lhs: 'id'
            rhs: '216196257331368720'
      - operator: 'AND'
          - object_type: 'POSTURE'
            lhs: '13ba3d97-aefb-4acc-9e54-6cc230dee4a5'
            rhs: 'false'
      - operator: 'AND'
          - object_type: 'TRUSTED_NETWORK'
            lhs: '869fbea4-799d-422a-984f-d40fbe53bc02'
            rhs: 'true'
      - operator: 'AND'
          - object_type: 'PLATFORM'
            lhs: ios
            rhs: 'true'

Policy Access Isolation Rule

The following module allows for interaction with the the ZPA Policy Controller endpoints. This resource creates an Isolation access rule in the Zscaler Private Access cloud.

- name: Gather information about all CBI Profile
    name: 'Ansible Isolation Profile'
  register: cbi_profile

- name: Create/Update/Delete a Policy Isolation Rule
    provider: '{{ zpa_cloud }}'
    name: 'Ansible Isolation Policy Rule'
    description: 'Ansible Isolation Policy Rule'
    action: 'ISOLATE'
    operator: 'AND'
    zpn_isolation_profile_id: '{{ cbi_profile.data[0].id }}'
      - operator: 'OR'
          - object_type: 'APP'
            lhs: 'id'
            rhs: '216196257331368729'
          - object_type: 'APP_GROUP'
            lhs: 'id'
            rhs: '216196257331368720'
      - operator: 'OR'
          - object_type: 'CLIENT_TYPE'
            lhs: 'id'
            rhs: 'zpn_client_type_exporter'

Policy Access Reorder

The following module allows for interaction with the the ZPA Policy Controller endpoints. This is a dedicated resource to manage and update rule_orders in any of the supported ZPA Policy Access types Zscaler Private Access cloud.

- name:  Reorder Policy Access Rules
    provider: '{{ zpa_cloud }}'
    policy_type: "access"
      - id: "216196257331369420"
        order: 1
      - id: "216196257331369421"
        order: 2
      - id: "216196257331369422"

Browser Access Certificate

The following module allows for interaction with the the ZPA Certificate endpoint and creates a browser access certificate with a private key in the Zscaler Private Access cloud. This resource is required when creating a browser access application segment resource.

- name: Onboard ZPA Browser Access Certificate
    provider: '{{ zpa_cloud }}'
    name: 'server1.example.com'
    description: 'server1.example.com'
    cert_blob: '{{ lookup('file', 'server1.example.com.pem') }}'

Enrollment Certificates

Use the zpa_enrollement_certificate_info to gather facts about built-in configured enrollment certificate details created in the Zscaler Private Access cloud. This resource is required when creating provisioning key resources or type Connector or Service Edge

- name: Gather Information Details of All Enrollment Certificates
    provider: '{{ zpa_cloud }}'
  register: all_enrollment_certs

- name: All Enrolment Certificates
    msg: '{{ all_enrollment_certs }}'

- name: Gather Information Details of the Root Enrollment Certificates by Name
    provider: '{{ zpa_cloud }}'
    name: Root
  register: enrollment_cert_root

- name: Root
    msg: '{{ enrollment_cert_root }}'

- name: Gather Information Details of the Client Enrollment Certificates by Name
    provider: '{{ zpa_cloud }}'
    name: Client
  register: enrollment_cert_client

- name: Client
    msg: '{{ enrollment_cert_client }}'

- name: Gather Information Details of the Connector Enrollment Certificates by Name
    provider: '{{ zpa_cloud }}'
    name: Connector
  register: enrollment_cert_connector

- name: Connector
    msg: '{{ enrollment_cert_connector }}'

- name: Gather Information Details of the Service Edge Enrollment Certificates by Name
    provider: '{{ zpa_cloud }}'
    name: Service Edge
  register: enrollment_cert_service_edge

- name: Service Edge
    msg: '{{ enrollment_cert_service_edge }}'

- name: Gather Information Details of the Isolation Client Enrollment Certificates by Name
    provider: '{{ zpa_cloud }}'
    name: Isolation Client
  register: enrollment_cert_isolation_client

- name: Isolation Client
    msg: '{{ enrollment_cert_isolation_client }}'

Identity Provider

Use the zpa_idp_controller_facts resource to gather information about an Identity Provider created in the Zscaler Private Access cloud. This resource can then be referenced when configuring the following resources.

  1. Access policy Rules

  2. Access policy timeout rules

  3. Access policy forwarding rules

  4. Access policy inspection rules

  5. Access policy isolation rules

  6. Access policy App Protection rules

- name: Gather Details of All IdP Controllers
    provider: '{{ zpa_cloud }}'
  register: idp_controllers

- name: All IDPs
    msg: '{{ idp_controllers }}'

- name: Gather Details of a Specific IdP Controller by Name
    provider: '{{ zpa_cloud }}'
    name: User_IdP_Name
  register: idp_name

- name: IDP By Name
    msg: '{{ idp_name }}'

- name: Gather Details of a Specific IdP Controller by ID
    provider: '{{ zpa_cloud }}'
    id: "216196257331282583"
  register: idp_id

- name: IDP By ID
    msg: '{{ idp_id }}'

Machine Group

Use the zpa_machine_group_facts resource to gather information about a machine group created in the Zscaler Private Access cloud. This resource can then be referenced in an Access Policy, Timeout policy, Forwarding Policy, Inspection Policy or Isolation Policy.

- name: Gather Details of All Machine Groups
    provider: '{{ zpa_cloud }}'
  register: machine_groups

- name: All Machine Groups
    msg: '{{ machine_groups }}'

- name: Gather Details of a Specific Machine Group by Name
    provider: '{{ zpa_cloud }}'
    name: Group 1
  register: machine_group_name

- name: Machine Group by Name
    msg: '{{ machine_group_name }}'

- name: Gather Details of a Specific Machine Group by ID
    provider: '{{ zpa_cloud }}'
    id: "216196257331282583"
  register: machine_group_id

- name: Machine Group by ID
    msg: '{{ machine_group_id }}'

Trusted Networks

Use the zpa_trusted_networks_facts resource to gather information about a machine group created in the Zscaler Private Access cloud. This resource can then be referenced in an Access Policy, Timeout policy, Forwarding Policy, Inspection Policy or Isolation Policy.

- name: Gather Details of All Trusted Networks
    provider: '{{ zpa_cloud }}'
  register: trusted_networks

- name: All Trusted Networks
    msg: '{{ trusted_networks }}'

# Gather Specific Trusted Network Info By Name
- name: Gather Details of a Specific Trusted Network by Name
    provider: '{{ zpa_cloud }}'
    name: Corp-Trusted-Networks
  register: trusted_network_name

- name: Trusted Networks by Name
    msg: '{{ trusted_network_name }}'

# Gather Specific Trusted Network Info By ID
- name: Gather Details of a Specific Trusted Network by ID
    provider: '{{ zpa_cloud }}'
    id: "216196257331282583"
  register: trusted_network_id

- name: Trusted Network by ID
    msg: '{{ trusted_network_id }}'