
What is Zscaler Internet Access

The Zscaler Internet Access (ZIA) service enables organizations to provide access to internal applications and services while ensuring the security of their networks. ZIA is an easier to deploy, more cost-effective, and more secure alternative to VPNs. Unlike VPNs, which require users to connect to your network to access your enterprise applications, ZIA allows you to give users policy-based secure access only to the internal apps they need to get their work done. With ZIA, application access does not require network access.

Activation Status

The following module allows for interaction with the ZIA Activation API endpoints and activates the saved configuration changes

- name: Activate ZIA Configuration
    status: 'ACTIVE'

Cloud Firewall Filtering Rule

The following module allows for interaction with the ZIA Cloud Firewall API endpoints and adds a new Cloud Firewall Filtering policy rule.

- name: Create/Update/Delete Cloud Firewall Filtering Rule
    provider: '{{ zia_cloud }}'
    name: 'sampleCloudFIrewallRule'
    description: 'TT#1965232865'
    action: 'ALLOW'
    enabled: true
    order: 1
    enable_full_logging: true
    exclude_src_countries: true
      - 'BR'
      - 'CA'
      - 'US'
      - 'BR'
      - 'CA'
      - 'US'
      - 'LOW_TRUST'
      - 'MEDIUM_TRUST'
      - 'HIGH_TRUST'
      - 44772856
      - 61188118
      - 76662385
      - 45513075
      - 45513014

Cloud Firewall IP Destination Group

The following module allows for interaction with the ZIA Cloud Firewall IP Destination Group. This module creates an IP Destination Group resource, which can then be associated with a Cloud Firewall Filtering Rule.

- name: Create/Update/Delete ip destination group - DSTN_FQDN.
    name: 'sample_DSTN_FQDN'
    description: 'sample_DSTN_FQDN'
    type: 'DSTN_FQDN"
    addresses: [ 'test1.acme.com', 'test2.acme.com', 'test3.acme.com' ]

- name: Create/Update/Delete ip destination group - DSTN_IP by Country.
    name: 'sample_DSTN_IP_Country'
    description: 'sample_DSTN_IP_Country'
    type: 'DSTN_IP'
    addresses: ['', '', '' ]
    countries: [ 'CA' ]

- name: Create/Update/Delete ip destination group - DSTN_IP.
    name: 'sample_DSTN_IP'
    description: 'sample_DSTN_IP'
    type: 'DSTN_IP'
    addresses: [ '',
        '' ]

Cloud Firewall IP Source Group

The following module allows for interaction with the ZIA Cloud Firewall IP Source Group. This module creates an IP Source Group resource, which can then be associated with a Cloud Firewall Filtering Rule.

- name: Create/Update/Delete ip source group.
    name: 'sample_IPSourceGroup'
    description: 'sample_IPSourceGroup'
        - ''
        - ''
        - ''

Cloud Firewall Network Services Group

The following module allows for interaction with the ZIA Cloud Firewall Network Services Group. This module creates a Network Services Group resource, which can then be associated with a Cloud Firewall Filtering Rule.

- name: Create/Update/Delete Network Services Group.
    name: 'sample_NetworkServicesGroup'
    description: 'sample_NetworkServicesGroup'
        - name: [ 'UDP_ANY', 'TCP_ANY' ]

Cloud Firewall Network Services

The following module allows for interaction with the ZIA Cloud Firewall Network Services. This module creates a Network Service resource, which can then be associated with a Cloud Firewall Filtering Rule or a Network Services Group.

- name: Create/Update/Delete Network Services.
    name: 'sample_NetworkServices'
    description: 'sample_NetworkServices'
        - start: 5002
          end: 5005
        - start: 5003
          end: 5005
    type: "CUSTOM"

Cloud Firewall Network Application Group

The following module allows for interaction with the ZIA Cloud Firewall Network Application Group. This module creates a Network Application Group resource, which can then be associated with a Cloud Firewall Filtering Rule.

- name: Create/Update/Delete network application group.
    name: "sample_NetworkApplicationGroup"
        - 'YAMMER'
        - 'OFFICE365'
        - 'OUTLOOK'
        - 'SHAREPOINT'
        - 'ONEDRIVE'

DLP Web Rule

The following module allows for interaction with the ZIA Data Loss Prevention (DLP) Web Rule API and adds a new inline DLP Web Rule.

- name: Create/Update/Delete DLP Web Rules
    provider: '{{ zia_cloud }}'
    name: 'sample_DLPWebRule'
    description: 'sample_DLPWebRule'
    action: 'ALLOW'
    enabled: true
    without_content_inspection: false
    zscaler_incident_receiver: false
    order: 1
    rank: 7
      - 'CRITICAL'
      - 'HIGH'
      - 'LOW'
      - 'MEDIUM'
      - 'FTP_RULE'
      - 'HTTPS_RULE'
      - 'HTTP_RULE'
    min_size: 0
      - 'ASM'
      - 'MATLAB_FILES'
      - 'SAS'
      - 'SCALA'
      - 61188118
      - 76662385
      - 45513075
      - 45513014

DLP Dictionary

The following module allows for interaction with the ZIA DLP Dictionary API Endpoint. This module creates a DLP Dictionary resource, which can then be associated with a custom DLP Engine.

- name: Create/Update/Delete DLP Dictionary.
    provider: '{{ zia_cloud }}'
    name: 'sample_DLPDictionary'
    description: 'sampleDLPDictionary'
    custom_phrase_match_type: 'MATCH_ALL_CUSTOM_PHRASE_PATTERN_DICTIONARY'
    dictionary_type: 'PATTERNS_AND_PHRASES'
      - action: 'PHRASE_COUNT_TYPE_UNIQUE'
        phrase: 'YourPhrase'
      - action: 'PATTERN_COUNT_TYPE_ALL'
        pattern: 'YourPattern'

DLP Engine

The following module allows for interaction with the ZIA DLP Engine API Endpoint. This module creates a custom DLP Engine resource, which can then be associated with Web DLP Rule. Before using this module contact Zscaler Support and request the following API methods POST, PUT, and DELETE to be enabled for your organization tenant.

- name: Create/Update/Delete custom dlp engine.
    name: 'sample_CustomDLPEngine'
    description: 'sampleCustomDLPEngine'
    engine_expression: "((D63.S > 1))"
    custom_dlp_engine: true

DLP Notification Template

The following module allows for interaction with the ZIA DLP Notification Template API Endpoint. This module creates a DLP Notification Tempalte resource, which can then be associated with Web DLP Rule.

- name: Create a new DLP Notification Template
    name: 'sample_DLPNotificationTemplate'
    subject: 'DLP Violation Alert'
    attach_content: true
    tls_enabled: true
    plain_text_message: |
      "The attached content triggered a Web DLP rule for your organization..."
    html_message: |
      "<html><body>The attached content triggered a Web DLP rule...</body></html>"

Forwarding Control Policy Rule

The following module allows for interaction with the ZIA Forwarding Control Policy API endpoint. Forwarding control is used to forward selective Zscaler traffic to specific destinations based on your needs. For example, if you want to forward specific web traffic to a third-party proxy service or if you want to forward source IP anchored application traffic to a specific Zscaler Private Access (ZPA) App Connector or internal application traffic through ZIA threat and data protection engines, use forwarding control by configuring appropriate rules.

- name: Create/Update/Delete Forwarding Control ZPA Forward Method
      provider: '{{ zia_cloud }}'
      name: 'sample_ForwardingControlPolicy'
      description: 'TT#1965232865'
      type: 'FORWARDING'
      forward_method: 'DIRECT'
      enabled: true
      order: 1
        - id: 2590247
          name: 'ZPA_GW01'

IP Source Anchoring ZPA Gateway

The following module allows for interaction with the ZIA/ZPA Gateway API endpoint. This module creates a ZPA Gateway resource, which can then be associated with a Forwarding Control Policy. Source IP Anchoring uses ZIA forwarding policies and Zscaler Private Access (ZPA) App Connectors to selectively forward the application traffic to the appropriate destination servers

- name: Create/Update/Delete a ZPA Gateway with application segments
    provider: '{{ zia_cloud }}'
    name: 'ZPA_GW01'
    description: 'ZPA Gateway for internal apps'
    type: "ZPA"
      external_id: 216196257331370454
      name: 'sample_ZPAServerGroup_IP_Anchoring'
      - external_id: 216196257331370455
        name: 'sample_ZPAAppSegment1'
      - external_id: 216196257331370465
        name: 'sample_ZPAAppSegment2'

Location Management with UFQDN VPN Credential

The following module allows for interaction with the ZIA Location Management API Endpoint. This module creates a Location management resource, which can then be associated with a Cloud Firewall, Web DLP and URL Filtering Rule.

- name: Create/Update/Delete VPN Credential
    type: "UFQDN"
    fqdn: "usa_sjc37@acme.com"
    comments: "sample_UFQDN_VPNCredential"
    pre_shared_key: "newPassword123!"
  register: vpn_credential_ufqdn

- name: Create/Update/Delete Location Management
    name: "USA_SJC_37"
    description: "sample_LocationManagement"
    country: "UNITED_STATES"
    auth_required: true
    idle_time_in_minutes: 720
    display_time_unit: "HOUR"
    surrogate_ip: true
    xff_forward_enabled: true
    ofw_enabled: true
    ips_control: true
    ip_addresses: ""
        - id: "{{ vpn_credential_ufqdn.data.id }}"
          type: "{{ vpn_credential_ufqdn.data.type }}"

Location Management with IP VPN Credential

The following module allows for interaction with the ZIA Location Management API Endpoint. This module creates a Location management resource, which can then be associated with a Cloud Firewall, Web DLP and URL Filtering Rule.

- name: Create/Update/Delete VPN Credentials Type IP.
    type: "IP"
    ip_address: ""
    comments: "sample_IP_VPNCredential"
    pre_shared_key: "newPassword123!"
  register: vpn_credential_ip

- name: Create/Update/Delete Location Management
    name: "sample_LocationManagement"
    description: "sample_LocationManagement"
    country: "UNITED_STATES"
    auth_required: true
    idle_time_in_minutes: 720
    display_time_unit: "HOUR"
    surrogate_ip: true
    xff_forward_enabled: true
    ofw_enabled: true
    ips_control: true
    ip_addresses: ""
        - id: "{{ vpn_credential_ip.data.id }}"
          type: "{{ vpn_credential_ip.data.type }}"
          ip_address: "{{ vpn_credential_ip.data.ip_address }}"

Rule Label

The following module allows for interaction with the ZIA Rule Label API Endpoint. This module creates a Rule Label resource, which can then be associated with:

  1. Cloud Firewall Rule

  2. URL Filtering Rule

  3. Web DLP Rule

- name: Create/Update/Delete Rule Label.
    name: "sample_RuleLabel"
    description: "sample_RuleLabel"

Sandbox Advanced Settings

The following module allows for interaction with the ZIA Sandbox Advanced Settings API Endpoint. This module updates the custom list of MD5 file hashes that are blocked by the Sandbox. Notice, that the use of this module overwrites a previously generated blocklist. If you need to completely erase the blocklist you must submit an empty list.

~> Note: Only the file types that are supported by Sandbox analysis can be blocked using MD5 hashes.

- name: Add MD5 Hashes to Custom List
      - "936593e1ba2e1fefc78389ed40ab9d9a"
      - "c0202cf6aeab8437c638533d14563d35"
      - "1ca31319721740ecb79f4b9ee74cd9b0"

- name: Read MD5 Hashes from file
    md5_hashes: "{{ lookup('file', 'md5_hashes.txt').splitlines() }}"

- name: Empty MD5 Hashes List
    state: absent
    file_hashes_to_be_blocked: "{{ md5_hashes }}"

Security Policy Settings

The following module allows for interaction with the ZIA Security Policy Settings API Endpoint to add or remove URLs from the Denylist

~> Note: The Security Policy Settings allow up to 25000 URLs.

- name: ADD URLs from the Blacklist
      - test1.acme.com
      - test2.acme.com
      - test3.acme.com
      - test4.acme.com
    url_type: "blacklist"

- name: REMOVE URLs from the Blacklist
      - test1.acme.com
      - test2.acme.com
      - test3.acme.com
      - test4.acme.com
    url_type: "whitelist"